Timeline: 3 months

Genre: FPS Game

Description: Eclipse: Chronicles of the Forgotten is a single-player first-person shooter game set in a post-apocalyptic world where the player has to survive in a dangerous landscape. The game’s main focus is on storytelling through exploration; the player explores the landscape looking for clues and collectibles in order to solve different crises and engages in combat with other survival species.

Process and Challenges: In the alpha build, I started the process of creating a large map with an urban center. My focus was on gameplay mechanics, implementation of an ammo system with reloading mechanism, reliable aiming capabilities, and a flashlight feature for navigating the game's darker regions. I added layers of survival elements by including collectable items like health, food and ammo. In the prototype build, I worked on essential elements like the skybox and the first-person armed character model.  I developed a comprehensive HUD that featured health, stamina, hunger bars and an ammo tracker. During this phase, I also worked on map's expansion and player movements such as sprinting and crouching. In the beta phase, the game's world evolved with the introduction of new NPCs, including two distinct enemy types.  This phase was crucial in testing combat strategies and player survival tactics. In this version the map was virtually completed with a military base, construction site, and a Downtown area; each with unique challenges and resources. The final version brought significant enhancements, including a winter storm effect and the addition of interactive paper notes to provide deeper insight into the game's experience. I refined the interface, introducing a main menu, game over, pause screens, and a new mapping feature to guide players towards their objectives. This phase was about polishing, fine-tuning, and adding the final details that brought the game to life.

Lessons Learned: Reflecting on the entire process, I feel that I achieved many of the goals set out for Eclipse.  With more time I could have solved some of the visual bugs and added additional features. This was a difficult project with complications that took weeks to solve but I am proud of the game's functions and design so I feel that it was a well time invested. I look back at these three months of development with great sense of accomplishment and I can’t wait to receive feedback on the players' reception of the game. In summary, I enjoyed the entire process even the challenges encountered because I could feel how I was evolving with the game as a developer.

Eclipse: Chronicles of the Forgotten